After 30 years, the skin begins to lose hyaluronic acid, and along with it the water. Decrease in the content of skin collagen and elastin. The skin becomes drier and less elastic, and after it, you will be shown the procedure to take place. What do you do, how do I restore the youthfulness of your skin? Professional cosmetic salon, you ask, what is the procedure that is best suited to one or the other of a woman.
How to rejuvenate skin on the face
Facial rejuvenation and can achieve different methods. All of these can be further divided into the following three groups:
- health care methods,for
- the range of beauty treatments,
- the techniques of plastic surgery.
The share of the area's well-being, the methods include the following:
- with the proper nutrition,
- a healthy way of life,
- a work-out, and the lack of bad habits.
It is here that you should begin a facial rejuvenation.
The peak of the fashion in plastic surgery, facial projectboards: now hiring: all front of the eyes of the results of the operations of well-known people. Today it is a growing, therapeutic, cosmetic, and techniques to have a significant effect on your skin without any surgery. These techniques include massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalizatsiya, the risk of introduction of botulinum toxin, botox®, masonite, contour plastic, full-face peel.
The bark – a simple, yet effective procedure for skin rejuvenation
In a beauty salon, the salon will apply to all types of skin and carry out the processes of the destruction of the skin that removes the superficial layers of the skin, stimulating it to update it. Updated the skin to thin, overlapping face masks and creams, which are rapidly absorbed and exert an effective action.
In today's beauty salons are often used in chemical peels. It is carried out with the aid of the tools that can be used include organic acids. To the surface of the types of chemical peels with organic fruit acids. The more deep the peeling may be carried out with the aid of phenol.
With the proper application of the peel and stimulates recovery of the skin, it makes it youthful and radiant, you are to solve problems such as dryness, fine wrinkles, pigment spots, scars. After a deep peel, the skin is covered with a crust, which can't be removed. After falling to the golden brown of the skin, some time that is restored, and then it becomes young and glowing.
Facial rejuvenation with the aid of mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a treatment of the skin with the aid of microinjections. Injection are intradermally a very fine needle. The esthetician analyzes your skin condition, and it is only after that attaches to the injection of a high-performance cut leather also available. The composition of the cocktails, which include vitamins, minerals, and other biologically active substances, that activates the metabolism and return the skin to its youth.
Treatments, mesotherapy do it once a week. In the course of treatment is sufficient for 8 to 15 procedures depending on the condition of your skin. The purpose of the mesotherapy is stable, the duration depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.
SPRS-therapy is a modern and highly effective method of facial rejuvenation. It lies in the fact that the woman is made of some of the cells of the skin, which include fibroblasts, and growing them in the laboratory. The fibroblast cells are the cells of the skin, that produce these necessary substances, such as hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.
The cells are cultivated through microinjections, when injected into the skin in the problem areas of the face. Live-in skin, the fibroblasts, stimulate the production of new cells and from the cells, to rejuvenate the skin. The procedure is not easy, but it's worth it to rejuvenate skin of the face, and after two procedures last more than two years.
Biorevitalizatsiya – an effective way to restore your youth
Biorevitalizatsiya – this is one of the main types of mesotherapy, which is in the skin instead of cocktails, they also introduce the preparations of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, which attracts water, causing your skin to become firmer, more elastic and younger looking, quite literally, before your very eyes.
The hyaluronic acid is administered in the form of microinjections into the skin, it not only attracts water but it also promotes the synthesis in the cells of the skin's own hyaluronic acid. This method is very effective. To help rejuvenate the skin and correct fine wrinkles, superficial enough, and sometimes two steps, with a one-week time frame. It supports the processing that is carried out every three months.
Masonite may substitute the circular-unit
According to this method, the wire is a special, soaked the biologically active substance is injected into the soft tissues of the face. The filament support of the fabric, and the type of mesotherapy to stimulate the production of the substance, providing a rejuvenation of the skin. One method that is effective, and the good condition of the skin on the face is maintained up to two years of age and older.
The outline of a plastic person
The outline of the plastic, the person carried out with the prolapse of the soft tissues of the face caused by age. In the space, diminish the volume of the soft tissue, through injection is administered, hyaluronic acid, restoring, thus, the fluid contours of the face.
The techniques of facial rejuvenation so much. The method (s) method (s) you choose, you can consult with your medical aesthetician based on the inspection, and to examine the state of the skin of the patient.